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5 rudest countries in the world


5 rudest countries in the world, While cultural differences usually account for this rudeness, it’s important to understand the cultural differences in any country you visit.

However, these countries are five of the rudest countries in the world based on a survey published in Forbes, international perceptions, and experiences.


1. France

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Almost every website says French people are the rudest people you will ever encounter.

Parisians are often criticised for their brusque or impolite demeanour; they are unusually blunt to most people.

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In 2012, a study that garnered more than 1,200 replies revealed France to be the rudest country in the world.

2. Russia

Russia often ranks high on lists of rudest countries, primarily due to its distinct social norms and communication styles.


Russian social interactions can appear blunt or direct to outsiders. They may speak loudly and aggressively.

While this straightforwardness is a common trait among Russians, tourists might perceive it as rude. They are also known to stare at tourists.


3. China

In Chinese cities, the hustle and bustle can lead to obviously unpleasant and rude behaviour, such as pushing in lines or having loud conversations.

Many tourists feel Chinese people are pushy, noisy, disrespectful, and rowdy. The Chinese peopl ealso appear to act inconvenienced by the presence of these tourists.


However, these activities may be a result of extreme population density rather than deliberately being rude.

4. South Korea

South Korea values authority and hierarchy but in busy and populated cities like Seoul, people can seem rude and brash to each other.


Matrice on City Data, a website where people leave comments about their travel experiences, said, “I have had several experiences where I enter a store and say hello in Korean while bowing or nodding my head slightly, then later saying thank you in Korean while the worker says nothing to me, makes no eye contact, and makes no physical gesture to acknowledge me.”

However, South Koreans value respect and politeness, especially in formal contexts and towards elders.

5. United Kingdom


People in the UK, especially London, are often perceived as rude due to the fast-paced nature and stress of city life.

However, according to a Preply survey of over 1500 residents from 19 cities across the UK, the three rudest cities in the UK are Bristol, Hull, and Coventry. British people love to say please and thank you, but they are not very polite.

According to a study, most people probably find Britons cold and unfriendly. This is because privacy is important to them, and they want to be left alone. They are usually engaged on their phones, loud in public, while ignoring strangers.


When visiting these countries, it’s important to understand the cultural differences that exist in interactions.

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Tips for making the best of your workday when you hate everyone you work with



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Ah, the office. Whether remote, hybrid or on-site, sometimes you just have the misfortune of hating everyone you work with. Gladys in HR is always side-eyeing your lunch jollof like she’s never seen rice before. Tunde’s “urgent” emails always land on weekends, like he’s the CEO of a startup called Weekend Disturbance. And your desk neighbour’s oversabi?

More annoying than getting stuck in Lagos traffic even after waking up early and using all the shortcuts. The most annoying of them will still wish you “happy new month!” despite being two weeks into March already 🙄🙄

Before you scream, “Abeg, make I resign!” and start updating your CV, try these tips to keep your sanity (and that paycheck) intact. Because, let’s face it, bills don’t pay themselves, and your side hustle cannot support all the billings that come with being an adult living in Nigeria.

So, grab put on your “I’m here, but I’m not here” face, and let’s get into how to survive this 9-to-5 or when you wake up to when you sleep (if you work in a startup) jungle without losing 100% of your mind, because you will undoubtedly lose some of it.


8 Tips to Make The Best Of Your Workday When You Hate Everyone You Work With

  1. Save Your Energy for What Matters (Like Gathering Email Evidence)

You already don’t like your coworkers, so their petty drama is not your business. But let’s face facts: you can’t help but be entertained by it. What do they mean Ola went to report to HR that Charles spends too much time in the bathroom? Since when did Ola become the “Head of Toilet Time”?

And Charles sef, what’s really going on? Are we running a spa or an office? But don’t enjoy the drama too much, because like water going to the shore at the beach, that nonsense will surely find you. So, in the meantime, gather evidence. Keep those emails, Slack messages, and receipts together. You never know when you’ll need to pull a “See, I told you!” moment.

  1. Put Together a “Nobody Should Disturb Me” Playlist

Nothing says “Don’t talk to me” like headphones in your ears. Your playlist should have enough songs about enjoyment, minding your business, the weekend (the days, not the singer), getting rid of your haters, and making money. Oh, and don’t forget at least three gospel songs for that dash of “To God Be The Glory.”

This combination will remind you why you’re here—to make money, mind your business, and provide the perfect soundtrack to imagining you’re a mafia boss shaking down your opps (aka all those coworkers who annoy your soul).

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  1. Master the Art of “I Don’t Know” (Insert Ayra Starr Meme)

Knowledge is power, but in this office, the less you know, the better. Your default answer to anything not directly linked to your KPI should be “I don’t know.” Let’s practice:

“Did you know this person did this?”

“I don’t know, oh.”

Where did this person go?

“I didn’t even know she was not around.”


“Are you aware of this?”

“This is the first I’m hearing.”

“I don’t know” has many variations. Learn how to use all of them. 

  1. Perfect Your Fake Laugh

You know the way rich men that play golf laugh? That deep, easy “I-have-money-and-I-don’t-care” kind of chuckle that sounds like they’re laughing at the world but also at themselves? Yeah, that one. Now, think about how celebrities laugh during TV interviews, that sweet, camera-ready, “I’m-so-relatable” small laugh. Now, combine both of them to create the perfect fake work laugh.

That’s the energy you need to bring to the office every time a coworker makes that dry joke drier than the eba you bought from that one place or your boss drops a bad pun that makes you want to scream, “Abeg, keep quiet, you are not funny.”


Your fake laugh is your secret weapon. It prevents you from having to talk to coworkers you can’t stand or from having unnecessary long conversations about things you couldn’t care less about. 

  1. Pretend Your Office Is A Netflix Show That’s Lost the Plot

Since you can’t quit yet, vivid imagination to the rescue!You already think your office is a mess, so why not turn it into entertainment? Imagine your workplace as a Netflix show that started strong in Season 1 but totally lost the plot by Season 3.

It has too many unnecessary subplots, characters who overstay their welcome, and storylines that make you wonder, “Abeg, who wrote this script, and where can I find them to knock their head?”

The next step is to assign everyone a role. We will give you two roles to get you started. 

First, we have The Annoying Main Character: That coworker who’s always doing too much 24/7. They might know their work, but they act like they are the reason the company is even still standing. In reality, they’re still in that role because they know how to pretend they’re important. Left to you, they would have been out since.


Second is the Side Character Who Thinks They’re the Star: This could be your direct manager or your CEO. They are always dropping buzzwords like ‘leverage’, ‘circle back’, ‘think outside the box’, ‘disrupt’ and so on.

They’re the type to call a 2-hour meeting just to say, “Let’s think outside the box to strategize how we can disrupt the emerging market,” and then leave without contributing anything or even setting up follow-up plans.

If you plan this show well, you can sell it to Netflix and finally escape from your job!

  1. Escape Every Time You Can

Ideally, the best way to avoid dealing with your coworkers is not to work there. So, what’s the next best thing? Escape. Every. Single. Chance. Escape for lunch breaks. Your lunch break is non-negotiable, whether it’s one hour, 30 minutes or even 20 minutes. 

Don’t waste it sitting at your desk or answering Slack messages. 


Escape for Out-of-Office Tasks. Find something to do outside. A client to visit? A “meeting” that requires you to leave the office? An event to attend? Volunteer for it like your life depends on it. Always extend the time. If the task should take 30 minutes, take 45. 

Escape to Check Your Daily 2 Odds. Sometimes, the only thing keeping you going at work is the hope that today might be the day your bet code hits. Find a quiet corner where no one will disturb you, or do it in that one meeting that should have been an email.

Open your betting app and check if your guy has sent the code. While you’re at it, imagine what you’ll do when you win. Will you quit your job? Buy that car you’ve been eyeing? Start your own business? Keep it low-key, sha.

Don’t let anyone catch you checking your odds. You don’t need Moses asking if you can “bless him with free bet code for today.” Set Boundaries with the Sureness of the National Grid Collapsing Every 3 Business Days

  1. Set Boundaries with the Sureness of the National Grid Collapsing Every 3 Business Days

See finish is not your portion. You’re not here to be the office superhero, the yes-man, or the person who does everyone else’s job while they’re busy doing less than nothing.  If anybody asks you to do anything even one inch above your capacity, look for the most formal way to say you cannot do it, like “I’m sorry, but I cannot accommodate that at this time.”


Practice it in the mirror if you have to. Add a polite smile for extra vim. The goal is to be professional but still nice so no one can accuse you of being difficult. Remember, you’re not a generator or inverter; you’re not here to power anybody’s work but your own.

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Ramadan Day 11: Prayers, dua, and hadith for forgiveness



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Alhamdulillah, we have reached the 11th day of the blessed month of Ramadan.

As we enter the 11th day of Ramadan, we cross into the second phase of this blessed month. The first ten days, known as the days of mercy, have passed, and now we enter the days of forgiveness.

ALSO READ: Ramadan Day 10: Prayers, dua, and hadith to guide your fasting journey

This is a time to seek Allah’s pardon, reflect on our shortcomings, and renew our commitment to spiritual growth.


Ramadan Day 11 Prayers

Prayer for Seeking Forgiveness and Spiritual Strength

“O Allah, You are the Most Forgiving, and You love to forgive, so forgive me. Strengthen my heart in faith, purify my soul from sin, and grant me sincerity in my worship. Make me among those whom You forgive and bless abundantly this Ramadan. Ameen.”

Ramadan Day 11 Dua of the Day

Rabbighfir li wa li-walidayya wa lil-mu’minina yawma yaqum al-hisab.” (Translation: “My Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers on the Day of Reckoning.”) — [Quran 14:41] This powerful Dua highlights the importance of seeking forgiveness, not just for ourselves but also for our loved ones and the entire Muslim community.

Ramadan Day 11 Hadith of the Day

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

Whoever stands (in prayer) during Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward, his past sins will be forgiven

— [Sahih Bukhari].

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Ramadan Day 11 Quotes

  1. Quran (39:53): “Say, ‘O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.”

  2. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “The most beloved people to Allah are those who bring the most benefit to others.” — [Hadith, al-Muʻjam al-Awsaṭ].

  3. Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim: “Dua is the weapon of the believer. It is the key to all good and the shield against all evil.”

Ramadan Day 12 Tahajjud Reminder

As you prepare for Day 12, take advantage of Tahajjud (the night prayer). The last third of the night is a time when Allah answers supplications and grants blessings to those who sincerely seek His mercy. Make a habit of waking up for Tahajjud, even if it is just for a few moments, to seek forgiveness and strengthen your faith.

The 11th day of Ramadan is a reminder that Allah’s doors of forgiveness are wide open. Take this opportunity to repent sincerely, pray wholeheartedly, and continue your journey toward spiritual purification. Keep your heart engaged in seeking Allah’s mercy, and may your fasting, prayers, and good deeds be accepted. Ameen.

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5 Surprising ways men’s health can affect pregnancy



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When planning for a baby, much of the focus tends to be on the woman’s health. However, a man’s overall well-being is even more important in fertility, conception, and even the baby’s health. 

Factors such as diet, lifestyle, and medical conditions can significantly impact sperm quality, which in turn affects the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Here are five surprising ways men’s health can influence pregnancy outcomes.

1. Sperm Quality and DNA Integrity


Sperm health is not just about quantity; quality matters just as much. Poor sperm motility (movement), morphology (shape), and DNA fragmentation can lead to difficulties in fertilisation, increased miscarriage risk, and developmental issues in the baby. Factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and exposure to toxins can damage sperm DNA, making it harder to conceive and sustain a healthy pregnancy.

2. Diet and Nutritional Deficiencies

What a man eats can significantly impact sperm health and fertility. Deficiencies in key nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, folic acid, and antioxidants can reduce sperm count and motility. A diet rich in processed foods and trans fats can also negatively affect testosterone levels and sperm production.

On the other hand, consuming a balanced diet with plenty of leafy greens, lean protein, and healthy fats can improve fertility and support a successful pregnancy.

ALSO READ: ‘A man can run out of sperm’ Myth or fact?

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3. Stress and Mental Health

Chronic stress and poor mental health can lower testosterone levels and reduce sperm quality. High-stress levels trigger the release of cortisol, a hormone that negatively affects sperm production.

Additionally, anxiety and depression can lead to unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption or poor sleep, all of which further reduce fertility. Managing stress through exercise, meditation, and adequate sleep can improve both physical and reproductive health.

4. Exposure to Environmental Toxins

Many men are unaware that their everyday environment can impact their fertility. Exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (found in plastics and personal care products) can affect sperm count and quality.


Men who work in industries involving chemicals, radiation, or extreme heat (such as welding or manufacturing) may face a higher risk of fertility issues. Reducing exposure to these toxins and adopting a healthier lifestyle can improve sperm health and increase the chances of conception.

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5. Underlying Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, and untreated infections, can significantly impact a man’s fertility. Diabetes can lead to erectile dysfunction and poor sperm quality, while obesity is linked to lower testosterone levels and hormonal imbalances.

Additionally, untreated sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause inflammation or blockages in the reproductive system, making conception more difficult. Regular health check-ups and timely medical interventions can help address these issues before they affect pregnancy.


Men’s health is just as important as women’s when it comes to conception and pregnancy. From diet and stress management to avoiding toxins and treating underlying conditions, taking proactive steps towards better health can improve fertility and lead to a healthier pregnancy.

By making positive lifestyle changes, men can significantly enhance their chances of fathering a healthy child while supporting their partner on the journey to parenthood.

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